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Herman Rubin, William Brophy, Don Boudeman, NSS bequest donors

NSS honors Herman Rubin, William Brophy and Don Boudeman, who so generously included NSS in their bequests. Dr. Herman Rubin was a Purdue Professor of Statistics and Mathematics and one of the greatest polymaths of his era. He had his lawyer do an exhaustive search to find the organization to best promote the goal of space settlement which led him to choose NSS. William Brophy led a simple life, washing dishes at a café for many years. When asked why he included NSS in his bequests he said, “Because I love space so much and want them to benefit should there be any money available.” Don Boudeman was a world traveler who dreamed of traveling to Mars. NSS is blessed to have donors like this from all walks of life.

Read more about these NSS donors.

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About NSS donors Herman Rubin, William Brophy, and Don Boudeman

It is the dreams of members like these, and their passions to share, teach and pass on such aspirations that make NSS what it is.

William Brophy The National Space Society is honored to celebrate the life of William (Bill or Billy) Brophy, who so generously included NSS in his bequests. Mr. Brophy was born August 1, 1956 in Montevideo, MN and lived out his life in western Minnesota until his passing last year at the age of 59. His friends described him as a very private individual, unsuspectingly smart and knowledgeable and with a quirky sense of humor. Billy also had a love for the stars and space and was a huge Star Trek fan. He was a voracious reader of books and magazines about space and dreamed of going to the Moon and exploring space. He knew, however, that this would not be his reality. When asked why he included NSS in his will he told a friend, “Because I love space so much and want them to benefit should there be any money available.” Mr. Brophy was a hard worker living a simple life one day at a time. He washed dishes at a local café for many years and later in life worked for a business assembling items for other businesses. In time, a disability prevented him from continuing that work. He also collected and recycled pop cans throughout his life on a daily basis. He enjoyed going to the movies weekly, watching TV, bowling and of course reading. A fall on ice sent him to the hospital where he fought hard as things progressed negatively. His friends say he had an inner strength and fought till there was no more fight. NSS is blessed to have had Bill Brophy as a life-long friend and supporter. His bequest was deeply appreciated by all of us. We offer our sincerest condolences to his surviving friends and family. He truly was a remarkable man.

Herman Rubin While attending grammar school in Chicago, Rubin invented a rocket ship to Mars. In high school, he discovered the magic of algebra. At the prestigious University of Chicago, he obtained his master’s and doctorate degrees in mathematics. He was Professor Emeritus of Statistics and Mathematics at Purdue University. His Purdue obituary reads: “Herman Rubin was among the last remaining greatest polymaths of the twentieth century.” Rubin wished to encourage high net worth individuals to support mankind’s expansion into space. When asked the secret of his wealth, he coyly replied: “compound interest!” He wanted to leave a bequest to the organization that can best promote space settlement. He had his lawyer do an exhaustive search to find the organization to best achieve that goal and this led him to the National Space Society. Thank you, Professor Rubin!

Don Boudeman Since Don Boudeman was a small child, traveling to space and the exploration of it captured his mind and heart. He even turned his closet into a spaceship, so he could travel to the different planets, galaxies, and beyond. As an adult, Don became a world traveler and was very well read, particularly travel, adventure and techno-thrillers. He was fascinated by the idea of traveling to and settling Mars, and would share articles and photos taken by different rovers over the years with his family. With his nephew, he often spoke of traveling to space someday, to live the dream, and see Earth from the Moon or maybe even the surface of Mars itself. Don’s nephew credits him with opening his mind to the endless universe in which we live and will always cherish the countless hours with his uncle discussing space travel and debating the effects of different solar and cosmic events on the Earth and the universe as a whole. Click here to view list of major individual donors to NSS.

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